SUIT-002 O2 ce-pce D007

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SUIT-002 O2 ce-pce D007



Abbreviation: RP2 ce-pce

Reference: A - SUIT-002 - SUIT reference protocol Reference protocol RP2 for living cells (ce, ROUTINE respiration) and cells that are permeabilized in the chamber (pce)

SUIT number: D007_ce1;1Dig;1D;2M;3Oct;3c;4M;5P;6G;7S;8Gp;9U;10Rot;11Ama;12AsTm;13Azd

O2k-Application: O2

The SUIT-002 O2 ce-pce D007 protocol in combination with SUIT-001 O2 ce-pce D003 provides a common reference for comparison of respiratory control of permeabilized cells (non-permeabilized cells must be added to the chambers and then permeabilized as a part of the protocol) in a wide variety of cell types. SUIT-002 O2 ce-pce D007 is specially designed to give information on F-pathway in OXPHOS state avoiding FAO overestimation in the presence of anaplerotic pathways. Moreover, the pathway control in OXPHOS state (F, F(N), FN, FNS, FNSGp pathways) and in ET state (FNSGp and SGp) can be evaluated by using this SUIT protocol. SUIT-002 O2 ce-pce D007 can be extended with the CIV assay module.

Communicated by Doerrier C and Gnaiger E (last update 2024-04-09)

Representative traces

D07 O2 traces.png

MitoPedia: SUIT

Steps and respiratory states


Step State Pathway Q-junction Comment - Events (E) and Marks (M)
ce1 ROUTINE ce1
  • ROUTINE respiration in the physiological coupling state R. Externally added permeable substrates could contribute to this respiratory state.
1Dig REN ce1;1Dig
  • Optimum effective digitonin concentration for complete plasma membrane permeabilization.
Step State Pathway Q-junction Comment - Events (E) and Marks (M)
  • ADP is added to stimulate the consumption of endogenous fuel-substrates.
3Oct OctMP F FAO 1D;2M.1;3Oct
  • Respiratory stimulation of the FAO-pathway, F, by fatty acid, FA, in the presence of malate, M. Malate is a type N substrate (N), required for the F-pathway. The FA concentration has to be optimized to saturate the F-pathway, without inhibiting or uncoupling respiration.
3c OctMcP F FAO 1D;2M.1;3Oct;3c
  • Respiratory stimulation of the FAO-pathway, F, by fatty acid, FA, in the presence of malate, M. Malate is a type N substrate (N), required for the F-pathway. The FA concentration has to be optimized to saturate the F-pathway, without inhibiting or uncoupling respiration.
  • OXPHOS capacity P (with saturating [ADP]), active OXPHOS state.
  • Addition of cytochrome c yields a test for integrity of the mtOM (cytochrome c control efficiency). Stimulation by added cytochrome c would indicate an injury of the mtOM and limitation of respiration in the preceding state without added c due to loss of cytochrome c. Typically, cytochrome c is added immediately after the earliest ADP-activation step (OXPHOS capacity P with saturating [ADP]).
4M2 OctMP F(N) FAO 1D;2M.1;3Oct;4M2;5P;6G;7S;8Gp;9U;10Rot
  • Respiratory stimulation of the FAO-pathway, F, by fatty acid, FA, in the presence of malate, M. Malate is a type N substrate (N), required for the F-pathway. The FA concentration has to be optimized to saturate the F-pathway, without inhibiting or uncoupling respiration.
  • High concentration of malate, typically 2 mM, saturates the N-pathway.
  • OXPHOS capacity P (with saturating [ADP]), active OXPHOS state.
5P OctPMP FN F&CI 1D;2M.1;3Oct;4M2;5P
6G OctPGMP FN F&CI 1D;2M.1;3Oct;4M2;5P;6G
7S OctPGMSP FNS F&CI&II 1D;2M.1;3Oct;4M2;5P;6G;7S
  • Respiratory stimulation by simultaneous action of the F-pathway, N-pathway, and S-pathway, with convergent electron flow in the FNS-pathway for reconstitution of TCA cycle function and additive or inhibitory effect of F.
  • OXPHOS capacity P (with saturating [ADP]), active OXPHOS state.
8Gp OctPGMSGpP FNSGp F&CI&II&GpDH 1D;2M.1;3Oct;4M2;5P;6G;7S;8Gp
9U OctPGMSGpE FNSGp F&CI&II&GpDH 1D;2M.1;3Oct;4M2;5P;6G;7S;8Gp;9U
10Rot SGpE SGp CII&GpDH 1D;2M.1;3Oct;4M2;5P;6G;7S;8Gp;9U;10Rot
  • Respiratory stimulation by action of succinate and glycerophosphate, Gp, with convergent electron flow in the SGp-pathway (CII&GpDH-linked pathway to the Q-junction).
  • Noncoupled electron transfer state, ET state, with ET capacity E.
11Ama ROX 1D;2M.1;3Oct;4M2;5P;6G;7S;8Gp;9U;10Rot;11Ama
  • Rox is the residual oxygen consumption in the ROX state, due to oxidative side reactions, estimated after addition of antimycin A (inhibitor of CIII). Rox is subtracted from oxygen flux as a baseline for all respiratory states, to obtain mitochondrial respiration (mt).
Step Respiratory state Pathway control ET-Complex Comment
## Azd CHB


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Strengths and limitations

  • SUIT-002 in combination with SUIT-001 provides a common reference for comparison of respiratory control in a large variety of species, tissues and cell types. Both SUIT protocols provide a mitochondrial mapping which allows:
1. to obtain reference values.
2. to evaluate mitochondrial physiological diversity, generating a mt-database on comparative mitochondrial physiology.
3. to screen specific defects.
  • SUIT-001 and SUIT-002 are used in the MitoFit Proficiency test for inter-individual and inter-laboratory reproducibility quality control.
  • A succinate concentration of >10 mM may be required for saturating SE capacity.
+ SUIT-002 allows the depletion of endogenous substrates with ADP (1D).
+ The protocol provides information on F-pathway in OXPHOS state. The low concentration of malate used in this protocol, typically 0.1 mM, does not saturate the N-pathway; but saturates the F-pathway.
+ F-pathway (3Oct-2M.1) can be compared to FN-pathway (5P) in OXPHOS state.
+ Pathway control in OXPHOS (F, F(N), FN, FNS, FNSGp pathways) and in ET state (FNSGp and SGp) can be observed.
+ Harmonization with SUIT-001 allows to perform both SUIT protocols in parallel. The cross-linked respiratory states can be statistically used as repeated measurements.
+ Harmonization with many SUIT protocols (up to step 7S).
+ In SUIT-002, the full set of pathways converging into Q (FNSGp) is obtained in OXPHOS and ET states. Therefore, P/E (8Gp/9U) at high ET capacity can be calculated.
+ This protocol can be extended with the Complex IV module.
+ The addition of non-permeabilized cells to the chambers provides additional information (ROUTINE respiration) which can not be obtained in SUIT-002 O2 mt D005 where the cells added to the chambers are already permeabilized.
- S-pathway in ET state is not obtained (it is obtained in SUIT-001).
- Lengthy duration of the experiment.

Compare SUIT protocols

  • SUIT-002 O2 ce-pce D007 (general SUIT-002 for permeabilized cells) differs from SUIT-002 O2 ce-pce D007a (SUIT-002 for permeabilized PBMC and PLT) in the concentration and volume of the titrations.
  • SUIT-001 O2 ce-pce D003 (RP1): Harmonized SUIT protocol for permeabilized cells (non-permeabilized cells must be added to the chambers and then permeabilized as a part of the protocol).
  • SUIT-002 O2 mt D005: SUIT-002 for permeabilized cells (cells added to the chamber have been permeabilized before their addition). This SUIT protocol provides no information on ROUTINE respiration of non-permeabilized cells (ce).

Chemicals and syringes

Step Chemical(s) and link(s) Comments
1Dig Digitonin (Dig)
Step Chemical(s) and link(s) Comments
1D ADP (D)
2M.1 Malate (M)
3Oct Octanoylcarnitine (Oct)
3c Cytochrome c (c)
4M2 Malate (M)
5P Pyruvate (P)
6G Glutamate (G)
7S Succinate (S)
8Gp Glycerophosphate (Gp)
9U Carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenyl hydrazone, CCCP (U) Can be substituted for other uncoupler
10Rot Rotenone (Rot)
11Ama Antimycin A (Ama)
Step Chemical(s) and link(s) Comments
## AsTm Ascorbate (As) and TMPD (Tm)
## Azd Azide (Azd)
Suggested stock concentrations are shown in the specific DL-Protocol.


MiPNet21.06 SUIT RP2018-06-25
SUIT reference protocol for OXPHOS analysis by high-resolution respirometry.
Doerrier 2018 Methods Mol Biol2018Doerrier C, Garcia-Souza LF, Krumschnabel G, Wohlfarter Y, MΓ©szΓ‘ros AT, Gnaiger E (2018) High-Resolution FluoRespirometry and OXPHOS protocols for human cells, permeabilized fibers from small biopsies of muscle, and isolated mitochondria. Methods Mol Biol 1782:31-70.
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Skeletal muscle
Endothelial;epithelial;mesothelial cell
Blood cells

MitoPedia concepts: SUIT protocol, SUIT A, Find 

MitoPedia methods: Respirometry 

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