The E-R reserve capacity is the difference of ET capacity and ROUTINE respiration. For further information, see OXPHOS analysis.
Abbreviation: E-R
Reference: Gnaiger 2020 BEC MitoPathways
Communicated by Gnaiger E (2014-09-21) last update 2020-11-11.
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4-compartmental OXPHOS model. (1) ET capacity E of the noncoupled electron transfer system ETS. OXPHOS capacity P is partitioned into (2) the dissipative LEAK component L, and (3) ADP-stimulated P-L net OXPHOS capacity. (4) If P-L is kinetically limited by a low capacity of the phosphorylation system to utilize the protonmotive force pmF, then the apparent E-P excess capacity is available to drive coupled processes other than phosphorylation P» (ADP to ATP) without competing with P».
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