
From Bioblast

Steps and respiratory states


Step State Pathway Q-junction Comment - Events (E) and Marks (M)
  • ADP is added to stimulate consumption of endogenous fuel-substrates.
  • Rox is the residual oxygen consumption in the ROX state, due to oxidative side reactions, estimated either after inhibition of CIII (e.g. antimycin A, myxothiazol), CIV (e.g. Cyanide) or in the absence of endogenous fuel-substrates. Rox is subtracted from oxygen flux as a baseline for all respiratory states, to obtain mitochondrial respiration.
2M.1 1D;2M.1
3Pal PalMP F FAO 1D;2M.1;3Pal
  • Respiratory stimulation of the FAO-pathway, F, by fatty acid, FA, in the presence of malate, M. Malate is a type N substrate (N), required for the F-pathway. The FA concentration has to be optimized to saturate the F-pathway, without inhibiting or uncoupling respiration.
3c PalMcP F FAO 1D;2M.1;3Pal;3c
  • Respiratory stimulation of the FAO-pathway, F, by fatty acid, FA, in the presence of malate, M. Malate is a type N substrate (N), required for the F-pathway. The FA concentration has to be optimized to saturate the F-pathway, without inhibiting or uncoupling respiration.
  • OXPHOS capacity P (with saturating [ADP]), active OXPHOS state.
  • Addition of cytochrome c yields a test for integrity of the mtOM (cytochrome c control efficiency). Stimulation by added cytochrome c would indicate an injury of the mtOM and limitation of respiration in the preceding state without added c due to loss of cytochrome c. Typically, cytochrome c is added immediately after the earliest ADP-activation step (OXPHOS capacity P with saturating [ADP]).
4M2 PalMP F(N) FAO 1D;2M.1;3Pal;3c;4M2
5P PalPMP FN FAO&CI 1D;2M.1;3Pal;4M2;5P
  • Respiratory stimulation by simultaneous action of the F-pathway and N-pathway with convergent electron flow in the FN-pathway for evaluation of an additive or inhibitory effect of F.
  • OXPHOS capacity P (with saturating [ADP]), active OXPHOS state.
6G PalPGMP FN FAO&CI 1D;2M.1;3Pal;4M2;5P;6G
  • Respiratory stimulation by simultaneous action of the F-pathway and N-pathway with convergent electron flow in the FN-pathway for evaluation of an additive or inhibitory effect of F.
  • OXPHOS capacity P (with saturating [ADP]), active OXPHOS state.
7S PalPGMSP FNS FAO&CI&II 1D;2M.1;3Pal;4M2;5P;6G;7S
  • Respiratory stimulation by simultaneous action of the F-pathway, N-pathway, and S-pathway, with convergent electron flow in the FNS-pathway for reconstitution of TCA cycle function and additive or inhibitory effect of F.
  • OXPHOS capacity P (with saturating [ADP]), active OXPHOS state.
8U PalPGMSE FNS FAO&CI&II 1D;2M.1;3Pal;4M2;5P;6G;7S;8U
9Rot SE S CII 1D;2M.1;3Oct;4M2;5P;6G;7S;8U;9Rot
10Ama ROX 1D;2M.1;3Oct;4M2;5P;6G;7S;8U;9Rot;10Ama
  • Rox is the residual oxygen consumption in the ROX state, due to oxidative side reactions, estimated after addition of antimycin A (inhibitor of CIII). Rox is subtracted from oxygen flux as a baseline for all respiratory states, to obtain mitochondrial respiration (mt).
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