
From Bioblast
MitoPedia: SUIT

Steps and respiratory states


Step State Pathway Q-junction Comment - Events (E) and Marks (M)
  • ADP is added to stimulate the consumption of endogenous fuel-substrates.
2M.1 1D;2M.1
3Pal PalMP F FAO 1D;2M.1;3Pal
  • Respiratory stimulation of the FAO-pathway, F, by fatty acid, FA, in the presence of malate, M. Malate is a type N substrate (N), required for the F-pathway. The FA concentration has to be optimized to saturate the F-pathway, without inhibiting or uncoupling respiration.
3c PalMcP F FAO 1D;2M.1;3Pal;3c
  • Respiratory stimulation of the FAO-pathway, F, by fatty acid, FA, in the presence of malate, M. Malate is a type N substrate (N), required for the F-pathway. The FA concentration has to be optimized to saturate the F-pathway, without inhibiting or uncoupling respiration.
  • OXPHOS capacity P (with saturating [ADP]), active OXPHOS state.
  • Addition of cytochrome c yields a test for integrity of the mtOM (cytochrome c control efficiency). Stimulation by added cytochrome c would indicate an injury of the mtOM and limitation of respiration in the preceding state without added c due to loss of cytochrome c. Typically, cytochrome c is added immediately after the earliest ADP-activation step (OXPHOS capacity P with saturating [ADP]).
4M2 PalMP F(N) FAO 1D;2M.1;3Pal;3c;4M2
5P PalPMP FN FAO&CI 1D;2M.1;3Pal;4M2;5P
  • Respiratory stimulation by simultaneous action of the F-pathway and N-pathway with convergent electron flow in the FN-pathway for evaluation of an additive or inhibitory effect of F.
  • OXPHOS capacity P (with saturating [ADP]), active OXPHOS state.
6G PalPGMP FN FAO&CI 1D;2M.1;3Pal;4M2;5P;6G
  • Respiratory stimulation by simultaneous action of the F-pathway and N-pathway with convergent electron flow in the FN-pathway for evaluation of an additive or inhibitory effect of F.
  • OXPHOS capacity P (with saturating [ADP]), active OXPHOS state.
7S PalPGMSP FNS FAO&CI&II 1D;2M.1;3Pal;4M2;5P;6G;7S
  • Respiratory stimulation by simultaneous action of the F-pathway, N-pathway, and S-pathway, with convergent electron flow in the FNS-pathway for reconstitution of TCA cycle function and additive or inhibitory effect of F.
  • OXPHOS capacity P (with saturating [ADP]), active OXPHOS state.
8U PalPGMSE FNS FAO&CI&II 1D;2M.1;3Pal;4M2;5P;6G;7S;8U
10Rot SE S CII 1D;2M.1;3Pal;4M2;5P;6G;7S;8U;9Rot
11Ama ROX 1D;2M.1;3Pal;4M2;5P;6G;7S;8U;9Rot;10Ama
  • Rox is the residual oxygen consumption in the ROX state, due to oxidative side reactions, estimated after addition of antimycin A (inhibitor of CIII). Rox is subtracted from oxygen flux as a baseline for all respiratory states, to obtain mitochondrial respiration (mt).
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