MiPNet28.01 IOC160 Schroecken AT

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MiPNet28.01 IOC160 Schroecken AT

Publications in the MiPMap
Schroecken AT, 2023 Jun 19-24. Oroboros O2k-Workshop on high-resolution respirometry (HRR), IOC160.

Oroboros (2023-06-19) Mitochondr Physiol Network

Abstract: Oroboros O2k-Workshop on high-resolution respirometry. Schroecken, Austria (2023 June 19-24).

O2k-Network Lab: AT_Innsbruck_Oroboros


Your feedback is valuable to us!
  • It has been a wonderful experience! I really enjoyed being part of the workshop. - Van Agen Laura
  • The location makes it special. The course is really informative, I learned alot and the team is super helpful. Although it's a full programme the walk and talk or run and fun were great to have a break from - Anonymous IOC160 participant
  • I was mostly interested in the workshop for the hand on and all of the quality control, service etc. And the workshop certainly delivered. - Anonymous IOC160 participant
  • I really enjoyed the opportunity to work with the instruments and to ask the team any questions I had. I also enjoyed the opportunity to work with other groups and to listen and to discuss scientific talks. I think it was really useful to see the SUIT protocols, the POS services, the background and other protocols related to the O2K. In my opinion, it was a great experience. - Alejandra Romero, Vascage AT
  • I liked most the general information about the sensor service, cleaning and assembling of the chambers etc. It was nice to have a proper introduction into the Instrument. - Anonymous IOC160 participant
Question Rating (average) 1-5
In how far were your interests covered in the workshop? Please rate from 1 (not covered) to 5 (all interests covered). 4.6
Balance between practical “hands-on” work and “theoretical” explanations: Please rate from 1 (too much “hands-on”) to 5 (too much theory). 3.1
Presentation of lectures: Please rate from 1 (not understandable) to 5 (very understandable). a. in terms of content: 4
Presentation of lectures: Please rate from 1 (not understandable) to 5 (very understandable). b. in terms of language: 4.3
Level of tutoring during the “hands-on” work: Please rate from 1 (not enough tutoring, I felt left alone) to 5 (too much tutoring, I would have liked to work more independently). 3.7
Quality of tutoring: Please rate from 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent). 4.8
Intensity of the O2k-Course: Please rate from 1 (I would have liked to do and hear more) to 5 (I felt overwhelmed). 2.8
Your overall rating of the course? Please rate from 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent). 4.4

General information

This training course on the Oroboros O2k-FluoRespirometer provides an introduction to DatLab 8 and applications of the TIP2k. Hands-on experiments illustrate the principle and show the unique advantages and limitations of simultaneous monitoring of oxygen concentration, mitochondrial respiration and hydrogen peroxide production. Many optimized SUIT protocols are available as DL-Protocols. The SUITbrowser helps you find the best SUIT protocol for your specific research questions. Furthermore, this workshop covers interpretation as well as calibration and instrumental service.


We would like to advise you to make sure to book flights that will allow you to arrive in Bregenz in time for the scheduled pickup.
In the case of delay, please call Oroboros Instruments Mobile: +43 677 64 79 29 17 or Oroboros Office: +43 512 566 796 (until 5:30 pm) as soon as you know you will arrive late.
If you miss the scheduled transportation you will have to take a cab (Suggestion: Ritter Transport. Phone number: +43 664 34 11 540) or the public transportation to Schroecken. If you decide to take the public transportation, you will have to take the bus via Bregenz- Egg – Bezau – Schoppernau – Schröcken Dorf. You can book the ticket here: vmbol or here: oebb. Please note that the last bus leaves Bregenz at 17:33, after that the only option to get to Schroecken is by cab.
Please be aware that you will be responsible for paying for any additional transportation costs (about € 120 for a cab/ travel time 1 h; about € 11 for the public transportation / travel time 1.5 h - 2 h). Please check with your airline to see if there are any reimbursements available in the event that you miss the organized transport and have to arrange and pay for a cab or public transportation.


  • Program available here: Bioblast pdf

Tutors and lecturers


Participant Institution
1. Participant van Agen Laura DE Goettingen Mueller M - Universitätsmedizin Goettingen, DE
2. Michael Mueller Mueller Michael DE Goettingen Mueller M - Universitätsmedizin Goettingen, DE
3. Danielle Robertson Robertson Danielle US_TX Dallas_Robertson D - UT Southwestern Medical Center, US
4. Participant Magierecka Agnieszka UK Glasgow Metcalfe NB - University of Glasgow, UK
5. Darryl McLennan McLennan Darryl UK Glasgow Metcalfe NB - University of Glasgow, UK
6. Participant Dubois Marie-Daniela FR Fort de France Neviere R - University Hospital of Martinique, FR
7. Participant Goropashnaya Anya US AK Fairbanks O'Brien K - University of Alaska Fairbanks, US
8. Participant Lauritzen Knut NO Oslo Eide L - Oslo University Hospital, NO
9. Sebastian Edman Edman Sebastian SE Stockholm Larsen FJ - Karolinska Institute, SE
10. Participant Baelde Rianne NL_Amsterdam_Nollet EE - Amsterdam UMC, NL
11. Participant Boner Winifred UK_Glasgow_Metcalfe NB - University of Glasgow, UK
12. Participant Warnaar Vincent NL_Amsterdam_Nollet EE - Amsterdam UMC, NL
13. Participant Bercion Sylvie FR Fort de France Neviere R - Universite des Antilles, GP
14. Shusuke Sekine Sekine Shusuke SE Lund Elmer E - Lund University, SE
15. Tianshi Liu Liu Tianshi SE Lund Elmer E - Lund University, SE
16. Participant Heidelberg, DE
17. Participant Rice Sarah US AK Fairbanks O'Brien K - University of Alaska Fairbanks, US
18. Alejandra Romero Martinez Romero Martinez Alejandra VASCage GmbH, AT
19. Rebecka Hardorp Hardorp Rebecka VASCage GmbH, AT
20. Participant Abella Gioscia Pilar UY Montevideo Radi R - Hospital de Clínicas, UY
21. Participant Brendel Heike Universitätsklinikum Carl Gustav Carus, DE
22. Participant Kindl Franziska AT Innsbruck Oroboros - Oroboros Instruments, AT

O2k perspectives - abstracts

Abstracts for the O2k perspectives evenings provide participants an opportunity to present and discuss their work, including projects in progress, methodological details and conceptual perspectives.
» Abstract guidelines
 Has title
Abella 2023 Abstract IOC160Abella P, Valez V, Vaamonde L, Blasina F, Rodriguez-Rey M (2023) Severe acute neonatal hypoxia: mitochondrial dysfunction at an animal model and the role of nitric oxide. Mitochondr Physiol Network 28.01.
Edman 2023 Abstract IOC160Edman S, Flockhart M, Larsen FJ, Apro W (2023) Need for Speed: Human fast-twitch mitochondria favor power over efficiency. Mitochondr Physiol Network 28.01.
Baelde 2023 Abstract IOC160Baelde R, Fortes Monteiro A, Nollet E, Galli R, Strom J, van der Velden J, Ottenheijm C, de Winter J (2023) Kbtbd13R408C-knockin mouse model elucidates mitochondrial pathomechanism in NEM6. Mitochondr Physiol Network 28.01.
Warnaar 2023 Abstract IOC160Warnaar V, Nassar A, Nollet E, Michels M, Kuster D, Ochala J, Buikema JW, van der Velden J (2023) Effect of Mavacamten on the myofilament-mitochondrial axis in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy with and without sarcomere mutation. Mitochondr Physiol Network 28.01.
Magierecka 2023 Abstract IOC160Magierecka A, McLennan D, Dawson N, Millet C, Metcalfe NB (2023) Sustained swimming performance is independent of organism-level and mitochondrial-level metabolism in European minnows. Mitochondr Physiol Network 28.01.
McLennan 2023 Abstract IOC160McLennan D (2023) Maximal rates of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation predict territorial performance in brown trout. Mitochondr Physiol Network 28.01.
Mueller 2023 Abstract IOC160Mueller M (2023) Deciphering the role of cerebral redox imbalance and mitochondrial dysfunction in Rett Syndrome. Mitochondr Physiol Network 28.01.
Rice 2023 Abstract IOC160Rice S (2023) Metabolism at Extremes: in vivo kinetics of metabolites in hibernation. Mitochondr Physiol Network 28.01.
Robertson 2023 Abstract IOC160Robertson DM (2023) Dysregulation of mitochondrial homeostasis in ocular disease. Mitochondr Physiol Network 28.01.
... further results

Impressions from the IOC160


Walk and Talk:


Hotel Körbersee, Schroecken, AT
Information on travel and venue: IOC Schroecken.
» As there is no ATM close to the hotel, we recommend withdrawing money at Bregenz train station. Please make sure to bring some cash in EURO with you, in case you need it.
The hotel accepts payment by credit card for consumed drinks.
» Please note that the hotel has a limited number of rooms and space is not guaranteed. Rooms are allocated on the basis of first come, first serve. Further, we ask that you to confirm with us in advance if you intend to bring accompanying guests with you.

Impressions from Hotel Koerbersee:


Registration is closed. The O2k-Workshop is fully booked.
Registration includes: Coffee breaks and transportation from Bregenz to Schroecken and back


[email protected]
Oroboros Instruments
High-Resolution Respirometry
Schoepfstrasse 18
A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria
Tel: +43 677 647 929 17
Fax: +43 512 566796 20
Mitochondria and Cell Research

IOC recommended reading

» IOC recommended reading
» MitoPedia: Respiratory states

O2k-Workshops are listed as MitoGlobal Events.


ORO, IOC, MitoFit, 2023, MitoGlobal, O2k-Network Award Previous, NextGen-O2k 

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