Template:SUIT text D060
In SUIT-003 O2 ce D060 protocol, the use of permeable succinate and malonate enables further information to be obtained about the mitochondrial respiratory capacities in living cells. The plasma membrane-permeable compounds NV118/MitoKit-CII (Snv) and NV161/MitoKit-CII (Mnanv) require cleavage by esterases present in the cytosol to release respectively succinate and malonate, which will happen therefore only in living cells with intact plasma membrane. The use of Snv after rotenone provides information about the S-pathway in physiological conditions. Rotenone inhibits Complex I and consequently the TCA cycle and respiration in living cells, but intracellular release of succinate from the permeable compound may lead to stimulation of respiration. Afterwards, the addition of Mnanv will counteract this effect. Moreover, the SUIT-003 O2 ce D060 protocol enables evaluation of the coupling control of living cells. Respiratory capacities are tested in a sequence of coupling states: ROUTINE and Electron transfer pathway. Optionally, to study LEAK respiration, the phosphorylation system might be inhibited by oligomycin. The final concentration of oligomycin has to be carefully optimized for various cell types, to minimize the inhibitory effect on the electron transfer system which would lead to an underestimation of ET capacity.