Guerrero 2010 Mol Cell Biochem

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Publications in the MiPMap
Guerrero K, Monge C, Brückner A, Puurand U, Kadaja L, KÀÀmbre T, Seppet E, Saks V (2010) Study of possible interactions of tubulin, microtubular network, and STOP protein with mitochondria in muscle cells. Mol Cell Biochem 337:239-49.

Β» PMID: 19888554

Guerrero K, Monge C, Brueckner A, Puurand U, Kadaja L, Kaambre Tuuli, Seppet E, Saks V (2010) Mol Cell Biochem

Abstract: We studied possible connections of tubulin, microtubular system, and microtubular network stabilizing STOP protein with mitochondria in rat and mouse cardiac and skeletal muscles by confocal microscopy and oxygraphy. Intracellular localization and content of tubulin was found to be muscle type-specific, with high amounts in oxidative muscles, and much lower in glycolytic skeletal muscle. STOP protein localization and content in muscle cells was also muscle type-specific. In isolated heart mitochondria, addition of 1 ΞΌM tubulin heterodimer increased apparent Km for ADP significantly. Dissociation of microtubular system into free tubulin by colchicine treatment only slightly decreased initially high apparent Km for ADP in permeabilized cells, and diffusely distributed free tubulin stayed inside the cells, obviously connected to the intracellular structures. To identify the genes that are specific for oxidative muscle, we developed and applied a method of kindred DNA. The results of sequencing and bioinformatic analysis of isolated cDNA pool common for heart and m. soleus showed that in adult mice the Ξ²-tubulin gene is expressed predominantly in oxidative muscle cells. It is concluded that whereas dimeric tubulin may play a significant role in regulation of mitochondrial outer membrane permeability in the cells in vivo, its organization into microtubular network has a minor significance on that process. β€’ Keywords: Cytoskeleton, Mitochondria, Oxidative phosphorylation, Tubulin, Microtubular Network, STOP protein, Heart, Skeletal muscles

β€’ O2k-Network Lab: EE Tallinn Saks VA, FR Grenoble Saks VA, EE Tartu Paju K, EE Tallinn Kaambre T

Labels: MiParea: Respiration, Genetic knockout;overexpression 

Organism: Mouse, Rat  Tissue;cell: Heart, Skeletal muscle  Preparation: Permeabilized cells, Isolated mitochondria 

Regulation: ADP, PCr;Cr  Coupling state: OXPHOS 

HRR: Oxygraph-2k 

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