Wohlgemuth Stephanie E

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BEC 2020.1 Mitochondrial physiology
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COST Action CA15203 (2016-2021): MitoEAGLE
Evolution-Age-Gender-Lifestyle-Environment: mitochondrial fitness mapping

Wohlgemuth Stephanie E

MitoPedia topics: EAGLE 

COST: Member


Name Wohlgemuth Stephanie E, PhD, Senior Scienist


Institution Division of Biology of Aging,

Department of Aging & Geriatric Research, College of Medicine,

University of Florida, Institute on Aging, US

Address Med Sci Bldg M2-230, 1345 CENTER DR, 32610
City Gainesville
State/Province Florida (FL)
Country USA
Email [email protected]
O2k-Network Lab US FL Gainesville Leeuwenburgh C, US FL Gainesville Wohlgemuth SE

Labels: Field of research: Basic 


Crislip 2022 Biomolecules2022Crislip GR, Wohlgemuth SE, Wolff CA, Gutierrez-Monreal MA, Douglas CM, Ebrahimi E, Cheng KY, Masten SH, Barral D, Bryant AJ, Esser KA, Gumz ML (2022) Apparent absence of BMAL1-dependent skeletal muscle-kidney cross talk in mice. https://doi.org/10.3390/biom12020261
BEC 2020.1 doi10.26124bec2020-0001.v12020Gnaiger E et al ― MitoEAGLE Task Group (2020) Mitochondrial physiology. Bioenerg Commun 2020.1. https://doi.org/10.26124/bec:2020-0001.v1
White 2017 Sci Rep2017White SH, Warren LK, Li C, Wohlgemuth SE (2017) Submaximal exercise training improves mitochondrial efficiency in the gluteus medius but not in the triceps brachii of young equine athletes. Sci Rep 7:14389.
Ortega 2017 Biol Reprod2017Ortega MS, Wohlgemuth S, Tribulo P, Siqueira LG, Null DJ, Cole JB, Da Silva MV, Hansen PJ (2017) A single nucleotide polymorphism in COQ9 affects mitochondrial and ovarian function and fertility in Holstein cows. Biol Reprod 96:652-63.
Li 2016 J Appl Physiol (1985)2016Li C, White SH, Warren LK, Wohlgemuth SE (2016) Effects of aging on mitochondrial function in skeletal muscle of quarter horses. J Appl Physiol (1985) 121:299-311.
Coen 2013 J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci2013Coen PM, Jubrias SA, Distefano G, Amati F, Mackey DC, Glynn NW, Manini TM, Wohlgemuth SE, Leeuwenburgh C, Cummings SR, Newman AB, Ferrucci L, Toledo FG, Shankland E, Conley KE, Goodpaster BH (2013) Skeletal muscle mitochondrial energetics are associated with maximal aerobic capacity and walking speed in older adults. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 68:447-55.
Joseph 2012 Aging Cell2012Joseph AM, Adhihetty PJ, Buford TW, Wohlgemuth SE, Lees HA, Nguyen LM, Aranda JM, Sandesara BD, Pahor M, Manini TM, Marzetti E, Leeuwenburgh C (2012) The impact of aging on mitochondrial function and biogenesis pathways in skeletal muscle of sedentary high- and low-functioning elderly individuals. Aging Cell 11:801-9.


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