Soendergaard NH

From Bioblast
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Name Hans Sondergard Nielsen, Ph.d.stud
Institution Chief Exercise Officer YOUSHAPE
Address Store Kongensgade 21, DK-1264
City Copenhagen
Country Denmark
Email [email protected]
O2k-Network Lab SE Stockholm Boushel RC



Cardinale 2018 Acta Physiol (Oxf)2018Cardinale DA, Larsen FJ, Jensen-Urstad M, Rullman E, Sรธndergaard H, Morales-Alamo D, Ekblom B, Calbet JAL, Boushel R (2018) Muscle mass and inspired oxygen influence oxygen extraction at maximal exercise: Role of mitochondrial oxygen affinity. Acta Physiol (Oxf) 225:e13110.
Gnaiger 2015 Scand J Med Sci Sports2015Gnaiger E, Boushel R, Sรธndergaard H, Munch-Andersen T, Damsgaard R, Hagen C, Dรญez-Sรกnchez C, Ara I, Wright-Paradis C, Schrauwen P, Hesselink M, Calbet JAL, Christiansen M, Helge JW, Saltin B (2015) Mitochondrial coupling and capacity of oxidative phosphorylation in skeletal muscle of Inuit and caucasians in the arctic winter. Scand J Med Sci Sports 25 (Suppl 4):126โ€“34.
Boushel 2015 Scand J Med Sci Sports2015Boushel R, Gnaiger E, Larsen FJ, Helge JW, Gonzalez-Alonso J, Ara I, Munch-Andersen T, van Hall G, Sรธndergaard H, Saltin B, Calbet JAL (2015) Maintained peak leg and pulmonary VO2 despite substantial reduction in muscle mitochondrial capacity. Scand J Med Sci Sports 25 (Suppl 4):135โ€“43.


Gnaiger 2013 Abstract MiP20132013Gnaiger E, Sรธndergaard H, Munch-Andersen T, Damsgaard R, Hagen C, Dรญez-Sรกnchez C, Ara I, Wright-Paradis C, Schrauwen P, Hesselink M, Calbet J, Christiansen M, Helge JW, Saltin B, Boushel R (2013) Biochemical coupling efficiency in permeabilized fibers from arm and leg muscle in Inuit versus Caucasians: A functional test of the uncoupling hypothesis in Greenland. Mitochondr Physiol Network 18.08.

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