MiPauthor MiP2011
MiPauthor A, Author B (2011) Title of abstract. |
Link: Link to a selected website
MiPauthor A, Author B (2011)
Event: MiP2011
Abstract: Add a short abstract here, including title, authors, affiliations, text (up to 250 words), and 2-6 references. You may edit your abstract any time. Information will be provided on a deadline for editing/submitting final abstracts (including a pdf file in final format), and on acceptance of the abstract for presentation at MiP2011.
Title: Not capitalized.
Authors: Presenting author with full name (first name spelled out), other authors with initials only. Numbers in parentheses after each author should indicate the affiliations.
Addresses: Numbers in parentheses are placed at the beginning of the address for indicating the affiliation. The e-mail address of the presenting author should be given at the end of all addresses.
Main text: Structured into paragraphs without headers. The standard structure of abstracts should be followed as appropriate (Introduction / Methods / Results / Conclusions / References).
Figure: You may submit one or two figures (jpg format), without caption if full explanation is given in the abstract.
References in the text are given by numbers in brackets. Full references should be numbered and include all authors (family name and initials without punctuation), followed by the year of publication in parentheses, full title, journal name abbreviated with punctuation (italic), volume number followed by a colon, and first and last pages. See abstracts on the MiP website for style β MiP2005/Organisation/Abstracts.
Tick on appropriate boxes blow in the list of 'Labels', and add additional keywords not covered in these labels.
An extension is possible in the free text (not more than 2 pages). Further comments may be added in the discussion.