Luevano-Martinez Luis Alberto

From Bioblast
Name Luévano-Martínez Luis Alberto,
Institution Departamento de Bioquímica

Instituto de Química

Universidade de São Paulo

Address Cidade Universitária 748 São Paulo, 05508-000
City São Paulo
Country Brazil
O2k-Network Lab



Cazares-Preciado 2024 BMJ Open Diabetes Res Care2024Cázares-Preciado JA, López-Arredondo A, Cruz-Cardenas JA, Luévano-Martínez LA, García-Rivas G, Prado-Garcia H, Brunck MEG (2024) Metabolic features of neutrophilic differentiation of HL-60 cells in hyperglycemic environments. BMJ Open Diabetes Res Care 12:e004181.
Luevano-Martinez 2020 FEBS Lett2020Luévano-Martínez LA, Girard RMBM, Alencar MB, Silber AM (2020) ATP regulates the activity of an alternative oxidase in Trypanosoma brucei. FEBS Lett [Epub ahead of print].
Luevano-Martinez 2019 Fungal Biol2019Luévano-Martínez LA, Caldeira da Silva CC, Nicastro GG, Schumacher RI, Kowaltowski AJ, Gomes SL (2019) Mitochondrial alternative oxidase is determinant for growth and sporulation in the early diverging fungus Blastocladiella emersonii. Fungal Biol 123:59-65.
Macedo 2019 Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Cell Biol Lipids2019Macedo F, Martins GL, Luévano-Martínez LA, Viana GM, Riske KA, Inague A, Yoshinaga MY, Aguilaniu H, Miyamoto S, Glezer I, da Cunha FM (2019) Lipase-like 5 enzyme controls mitochondrial activity in response to starvation in Caenorhabditis elegans. Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Cell Biol Lipids 1865:158539.
Menezes-Filho 2018 Biochim Biophys Acta Bioenerg2018Menezes-Filho SL, Amigo I, Luévano-Martínez LA, Kowaltowski AJ (2018) Fasting promotes functional changes in liver mitochondria. Biochim Biophys Acta Bioenerg 1860:129-35.
Amigo 2016 Aging Cell2016Amigo I, Menezes-Filho SL, Luévano-Martínez LA, Chausse B, Kowaltowski AJ (2016) Caloric restriction increases brain mitochondrial calcium retention capacity and protects against excitotoxicity. Aging Cell 16:73-81.
Luevano-Martinez 2015 Biochim Biophys Acta2015Luévano-Martínez LA, Forni MF, Dos Santos VT, Souza-Pinto NC, Kowaltowski AJ (2015) Cardiolipin is a key determinant for mtDNA stability and segregation during mitochondrial stress. Biochim Biophys Acta 1847:587-98.


Kowaltowski 2014 Abstract MiP20142014Luévano-Martínez LA, Forni FM, dos Santos VT, Souza-Pinto NC, Kowaltowski AJ (2014) Cardiolipin is a key determinant for mitochondrial DNA stability and segregation.
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