Galkin Alexander

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BEC 2020.1 Mitochondrial physiology
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COST Action CA15203 (2016-2021): MitoEAGLE
Evolution-Age-Gender-Lifestyle-Environment: mitochondrial fitness mapping

Galkin Alexander

MitoPedia topics: EAGLE 

COST: Member COST WG1: WG1


Name Galkin Alexander, PhD
Institution Feil Family Brain and Mind Research Institute,

Weill Cornell Medical College, US

Address 407 East 61st Street, 5th floor, 10065
City New York
State/Province New York (NY)
Country USA
Email [email protected]
O2k-Network Lab US NY New York Galkin A

Labels: Field of research: Basic 


Larrea 2025 Nat Commun2025Larrea D, Tamucci KA, Kabra K, Velasco KR, Yun TD, Pera M, Montesinos J, Agrawal RR, Paradas C, Smerdon JW, Lowry ER, Stepanova A, Yoval-Sanchez B, Galkin A, Wichterle H, Area-Gomez E (2025) Altered mitochondria-associated ER membrane (MAM) function shifts mitochondrial metabolism in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Nat Commun 16:379.
Yoval-Sanchez 2022 Redox Biol2022Yoval-Sánchez B, Ansari F, James J, Niatsetskaya Z, Sosunov S, Filipenko P, Tikhonova IG, Ten V, Wittig I, Rafikov R, Galkin A (2022) Redox-dependent loss of flavin by mitochondria complex I is different in brain and heart. Redox Biol 51:102258.
Pruuchova 2022 Antioxidants (Basel)2022Průchová P, Gotvaldová K, Smolková K, Alán L, Holendová B, Tauber J, Galkin A, Ježek P, Jabůrek M (2022) Antioxidant role and cardiolipin remodeling by redox-activated mitochondrial Ca2+-independent phospholipase A in the brain.
Stojakovic 2021 Commun Biol2021Stojakovic A, Trushin S, Sheu A, Khalili L, Chang SY, Li X, Christensen T, Salisbury JL, Geroux RE, Gateno B, Flannery PJ, Dehankar M, Funk CC, Wilkins J, Stepanova A, O'Hagan T, Galkin A, Nesbitt J, Zhu X, Tripathi U, Macura S, Tchkonia T, Pirtskhalava T, Kirkland JL, Kudgus RA, Schoon RA, Reid JM, Yamazaki Y, Kanekiyo T, Zhang S, Nemutlu E, Dzeja P, Jaspersen A, Kwon YIC, Lee MK, Trushina E (2021) Partial inhibition of mitochondrial complex I ameliorates Alzheimer's disease pathology and cognition in APP/PS1 female mice. Commun Biol 4:61.
BEC 2020.1 doi10.26124bec2020-0001.v12020Gnaiger E et al ― MitoEAGLE Task Group (2020) Mitochondrial physiology. Bioenerg Commun 2020.1.
Stepanova 2020 Methods Cell Biol2020Stepanova A, Galkin A (2020) Measurement of mitochondrial H2O2 production under varying O2 tensions. Methods Cell Biol 155:273-93.
Stepanova 2019 Antioxid Redox Signal2019Stepanova Anna, Sosunov S, Niatsetskaya Z, Konrad Csaba, Starkov AA, Manfredi G, Wittig I, Ten V, Galkin A (2019) Redox-dependent loss of flavin by mitochondrial complex I in brain ischemia/reperfusion injury. Antioxid Redox Signal 31:608-22.
Kim 2018 Free Radic Biol Med2018Kim M, Stepanova A, Niatsetskaya Z, Sosunov S, Arndt S, Murphy MP, Galkin A, Ten VS (2018) Attenuation of oxidative damage by targeting mitochondrial complex I in neonatal hypoxic-ischemic brain injury. Free Radic Biol Med 124:517-24.
Kahl 2018 Stroke2018Kahl A, Stepanova A, Konrad C, Anderson C, Manfredi G, Zhou P, Iadecola C, Galkin A (2018) Critical role of flavin and glutathione in complex I-mediated bioenergetic failure in brain ischemia/reperfusion injury. Stroke 49:1223-31.
Stepanova 2018 J Cereb Blood Flow Metab2018Stepanova A, Konrad C, Guerrero-Castillo S, Manfredi G, Vannucci S, Arnold S, Galkin A (2018) Deactivation of mitochondrial complex I after hypoxia-ischemia in the immature brain. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 39:1790-802.
Stepanova 2018 J Neurochem2018Stepanova A, Konrad C, Manfredi G, Springett R, Ten V, Galkin A (2018) The dependence of brain mitochondria reactive oxygen species production on oxygen level is linear, except when inhibited by antimycin A. J Neurochem 148:731-45.
Lin 2017 Dis Model Mech2017Lin H, Magrane J, Rattelle A, Stepanova A, Galkin A, Clark EM, Dong YN, Halawani SM, Lynch DR (2017) Early cerebellar deficits in mitochondrial biogenesis and respiratory chain complexes in the KIKO mouse model of Friedreich ataxia. Dis Model Mech 10(11):1343-52.
Sansone 2017 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A2017Sansone P, Savini C, Kurelac I, Chang Q, Amato LB, Strillacci A, Stepanova A, Iommarini L, Mastroleo C, Daly L, Galkin A, Thakur BK, Soplop N, Uryu K, Hoshino A, Norton L, Bonafé M, Cricca M, Gasparre G, Lyden D, Bromberg J (2017) Packaging and transfer of mitochondrial DNA via exosomes regulate escape from dormancy in hormonal therapy-resistant breast cancer. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 114:E9066-75.
Stepanova 2017 J Cereb Blood Flow Metab2017Stepanova A, Kahl A, Konrad C, Ten V, Starkov AS, Galkin A (2017) Reverse electron transfer results in a loss of flavin from mitochondrial complex I: Potential mechanism for brain ischemia-reperfusion injury. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 37:3649-58.
Kiprowska 2017 Biochim Biophys Acta2017Kiprowska MJ, Stepanova A, Todaro DR, Galkin A, Haas A, Wilson SM, Figueiredo-Pereira ME (2017) Neurotoxic mechanisms by which the USP14 inhibitor IU1 depletes ubiquitinated proteins and Tau in rat cerebral cortical neurons: Relevance to Alzheimer's disease. Biochim Biophys Acta 1863:1157-70.
Stepanova 2016 Biochim Biophys Acta2016Stepanova A, Shurubor Y, Valsecchi F, Manfredi G, Galkin A (2016) Differential susceptibility of mitochondrial complex II to inhibition by oxaloacetate in brain and heart. Biochim Biophys Acta 1857:1561-8.
Galkin 2006 Biochim Biophys Acta2006Galkin A, Dröse S, Brandt U (2006) The proton pumping stoichiometry of purified mitochondrial Complex I reconstituted into proteoliposomes. Biochim Biophys Acta 1757:1575-81.


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